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Niraj BhattaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

A Revolutionary Financial Product Selling Platform.

Target Audience

Our target audience includes individuals, businesses, and institutions in Nepal seeking convenient access to a wide range of financial products and services through a technologically advanced and user-friendly platform.Our target audience also includes individuals who lack financial education, those burdened by high costs of financial services, and those who face barriers in accessing financial institutions. We aim to provide them with inclusive and affordable solutions.

Biskoon Marketing
Tika Dutta ShivaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Biskoon is a revolutionary online marketing platform that brings together seekers, buyers, listers, and sellers, utilizing advanced domain integration to create streamlined one-page websites for professional listings, resulting in enhanced engagement and transactions.

Target Audience

The target audience for Biskoon is broad and includes individuals and businesses involved in online marketing and transactions, such as seekers looking for specific products or services, buyers interested in making purchases, listers who want to showcase their offerings, and sellers aiming to connect with potential customers. Biskoon caters to both individual users and businesses seeking a centralized platform to facilitate their online marketing efforts, streamline their listing experience, and achieve improved engagement and transaction outcomes.

BMS Foods
Binu Baral PaudelSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

To provide good quality food items to the general public.

Target Audience

All kind off.

Brocade Official
Sabi BhandariSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

we sell make in nepal products. especially into fashion.

Target Audience


Calyx agro company
Sandesh khanalSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Bringing nature's vibrant beauty to your doorstep, our new florist shop offers an exquisite selection of fresh flowers to brighten every occasion."

Target Audience

The target audience for a floriculture shop can vary depending on its specific offerings, but generally, it includes individuals who appreciate the beauty of flowers, seek to add a touch of nature to their surroundings, and have a need for floral arrangements for various occasions such as weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, or other special events. Additionally, businesses and event planners may also be part of the target audience, as they often require floral decorations and arrangements for corporate events, conferences, or parties

Tikaram DahalSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Smart Canteen Services in various institutions, and possibly Market.

Target Audience

All educational sector and various offices including shops.

Genius Academy
Sweksha KhadgiSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Genius Academy is a social venture which aims to open branches/franchises all across Nepal to encourage digital learning from an early age so that kids from all walks of life can get fair access to digital skills.

Target Audience

Children above Grade 6 to Bachelor’s are our prime target audience as they can learn and work digitally. We can also provide introductions to computer classes to younger students to get them acquainted with computers as a lot of private schools don’t offer computer lab access on a regular basis. Also school dropouts or adults can take our classes to grow their career or step into a new job.

Guide Nepal: Know Where to Go
Nishant PokhrelSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Travel guide app designed to help tourists navigate and explore Nepal providing comprehensive information on the destinations, attractions, culture, and local customs of Nepal making it a one-stop shop for all travel-related queries.

Target Audience

Our target costumer will be adventure travelers, nature enthusiasts, cultural explorers, and solo travelers.

Investment in Nepali Production in Nepal
Arjun dangi Socioeconomic Field
Idea Description

क्षमतावान मानिसलाई लगानीकर्ता सामु पुर्याउने र गाउँका हरेक उत्पादनलाई सहरका बजारमा विस्तार गराउने

Target Audience

किसान र उपभोक्ता को बीचमा मूल्यको धेरै फरक नपारी सेवा दिने जस्तै कि कुनै ठाउँ मा ताजा फल फूल, सागसब्जी लगायत धेरै कुरा जुन बजार नपाएर कुहिने गर्दछ त्यसलाई हामीले सै समयमा काठमाडौं लगायत ठूला शहरहरूमा बिस्तार गर्ने योजना रहेको हो तर केही आर्थिक अभाव ले हामी परदेशीएका थियौं तर अइले भने २ जन नेपाल गई सकेको र हामी २ जना पनि कोही लगानीकर्ता भेटेमा नेपाल फर्किने योजनामा रहेका छौं। र हामीले दैनिक जीवनमा प्रयोग गरेर खेराफालेको जैविक वस्तुलाई अर्गानिक मल बनाउने र किसान सम्मा पुराई त्यहाँका उत्पादित वस्तु लाई बजार लगि बेच्ने अनि प्लास्टिक जन्या वस्तुलाई पगालेर खेलौना लगायत अन्य प्रयोगका सामान पनि बनाउने योजना छ। हामीलाई चाइने भनेको ढुवानीको लागि गाडी र काठमाडौं मा प्रसुधन गर्ने स्थान र केही मेसिनहरु बाहिर बाट लियाउनु परेमा नगद लगानी कर्ता बाँकी बजार किसानहरू हामी आफै फैलाउँदै जान्छौ। यसबाट हामी आयकर पनि तिर्छौ दर्ता गरेरै सञ्चालन गर्ने हो। र सुरुवातमा हामी आफै किसानलाई केही रकम उत्पादनमा को लागि दिना सक्यौ भने झन् सजिलो र सस्तो मूल्यमा उपलब्ध हुनेछ।

Nepali Nari: Empowering Womenthrough Technology
Upeksha TuladharSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

A Digital Platform to Build a Thriving Business Ecosystem for Women and Girls’ Economic Development

Target Audience

Women and girls of all backgrounds, including entrepreneurs, professionals, students, and homemakers.

Pradip NepaliSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

"Our idea is to create a platform that connects consumers with local producers, providing a convenient and accessible marketplace for selling and purchasing a diverse range of locally-made goods."

Target Audience

Our targeted audiences are the residence of Kathmandu Valley at our initial stage and we are targeting of expanding with in our targeted time.

Ichchha KhatiwadaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Nepal Tourism, specifically focused on Kathmandu and Pokhara, also many districts of Nepal by providing best tourism experience. (an app that brings unique tourism features).

Target Audience

National as well as International tourists

Niño Baby Clothing
Ujjwal ShakyaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Baby and Kids Fashion Clothing Made In Nepal

Target Audience

Age Group of 24 above. Parent, Grandparent, Uncle Aunts Friends who are willing buy kids clothing for their own or for gifts.

Sanjay Sah Rauniyar
Sanjay Sah Rauniyar Socioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Online voting system

Target Audience

All Nepalese people

Shambhu arts and crafts
Shambhu Prasad Simkhada Socioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Supply of handmade and decorative arts and crafts of best possible quality with locally available resources as per the need of the consumers.

Target Audience

Consumers of all financial classes

Stay Easy
Dipesh kumar chaurasiyaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Hotel,cafe, restaurants, ground booking

Target Audience

Target is public, and foreign they can easily search hotels through stay easy app

Team Mela
Aakash BoharaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

An eCommerce platform for Nepal that is capable for changing the market view of Nepal.

Target Audience

1. Everyone who are interested to sell things according to our category list. 2. Everyone who are interested to buy things according to our category list. 3. Everyone who are interested in affiliate marketing as per our terms and conditions.

Tech Himalayas
Bhushan kushwahaSocioeconomic Field
Idea Description

Financial platform to solve major financial problems of student and solves a national problem

Target Audience

Our targeted audience are the students who comes under the class category of 8 - 12.

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